
The international expansion of the internet has considerably contributed to the revolution of trade and store transactions.
Some advantages of e-commerce are: overcoming geographical limitations, gaining new customers through search engines, lower costs, create new markets for niche products.

White Label Solutions

Thinking of ways to add new features to your business?
White label solutions are generally fully integrated and ready-made, which makes branding very easy, keeping your customers happy and saving you time and money.

Back office administration and support services

Outsourcing gives you the advantage of addressing major issues of the company, developing vital relationships with customers and clients. This will allow you to focus on your business’s core competency.
The job is left to our experts. Increasing your productivity and revenue. Efficiency is our goal!

About us

Our business is to help yours.
G.L.S. Enterprises Limited provides white label solutions, back office administration and support services in the e-commerce sector. The company is responsible for providing all business functions related to its operations.
It offers clients a wide range of white label solutions with tailored configurations that enable it to satisfy the requirements of customers from different backgrounds and markets.
We provide back office turnkey solution; our functions are managing the relationships with PSPs, the merchant banks and software providers. We also offer a fully administered package including settlements, reconciliations, clearances, record maintenance, marketing and customer support, legal, regulatory compliance and accounting.
The company acts on behalf of other commercial companies and manages the services distributed through internet such as e-commerce, client’s data base services, fraud and payments services, odds and risk management services and customer support.